
  • Brand identity
  • Brand guidelines
  • Icon suite
  • Letterhead
  • Business cards
  • Word templates
  • PowerPoint templates
  • Email signature
  • Misc digital assets

A fresh new look for a pioneering renewable energy brand.


A revitalised brand refresh for the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) to reflect a modern and innovative identity. This update embodies REEEP's core values of innovation, accessibility, and environmental sustainability.

The new logo marque symbolises growth, positivity, and inclusivity, complemented by a professional yet approachable logotype. This logo is versatile and seamlessly integrates with a fresh colour palette that mirrors the environmental focus and dynamic energy of REEEP's innovative work.

The brand's visual language incorporates a combination of serif and sans-serif typefaces in the headline typography, striking a balance between REEEP's serious, knowledge-driven mission and the dynamic, pioneering nature of its initiatives.

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The SOARING sub-brand is the execution of the visual strategy from Agency S/R to visually align future initiatives from REEEP more closely with the master brand.

Utilising the the REEEP marque, typographic suite, and visual execution, the SOARING brand has it's own refined logotype and primary colours to give the brand a unique character. This design strategy ensures that there is an obvious aesthetic connection between the master brand and sub-brand, whilst giving the sub brand it's own distinct visual identity.

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